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Sovereign States Drug Consortium

The Sovereign States Drug Consortium (SSDC) is a collaborative group of Medicaid states. Collectively members are focused on providing quality pharmaceutical care while controlling costs. 

The primary activity of the SSDC is a Medicaid drug rebate program that negotiates for rebates that are in addition to those required under the federal Medicaid Drug Rebate Program. The SSDC also provides a forum for Member States to cooperate in other areas of pharmacy benefit administration and management in Medicaid and other publicly funded pharmacy benefit programs. One such project is a diabetic supply rebate program. 

Change Healthcare is the SSDC's current supplemental rebate negotiator and has managed the SSDC negotiation process since 2006. For more information on Change Healthcare, see

Alternative rebate offers, such as Value-Based Supplemental Rebate offers based on clinical outcomes, may be submitted directly to Change Healthcare at  Manufacturers seeking to submit such offers are encouraged to reach out to Change Healthcare to discuss the offers and contracting mechanisms prior to submission.

The Sovereign State Drug Consortium continuously reviews Value Based offers and is accepting Value Based Offers for Contact years 2025 and 2026.

For more information about the SSDC and its programs and activities, see: